🍦What are your favorite ice cream stores among the “100 Best Ice Cream Shops” selected by Japan's “Food Blog”?
00 min
Aug 2, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
On a hot summer day, there's nothing more refreshing than a bite of cold, dense ice cream!

🍦01. Do Japanese people also look at the list of “Top 100 Food Restaurants”?

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食べログ(Tabelog)is a well-known Japanese restaurant rating & search platform, and is a restaurant ranking guide for Japanese people!
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User ratings on “食べログ” need to take into account a number of dimensions such as food flavor, service, environment and cost-effectiveness, etc. The platform ensures the authenticity of the ratings by means of real-name ratings, multiple verifications, and data analysis, and severely regulates and penalizes false ratings. Therefore, “食べログ” is widely recognized as a reliable restaurant guide tool.
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The “食べログ百名店” is an annual list of the top restaurants selected by 食べログ, covering a wide range of different food types. The list is primarily based on user reviews and ratings on Food べログ, combined with restaurant visits, word-of-mouth, and to ensure that the list is authoritative and fair, food experts and reviewers are also involved in the selection process. Due to the high popularity of Eatery べログ in the Japanese dining scene and its wide user base, the “Eatery べログ 100 Best Restaurants” list not only symbolizes the quality of the restaurants, but is also regarded as a supreme honor by the restaurants on the list.

🍦02. Ice Cream: A Selection of 100 Ice Cream Shops

As summer arrives, so does the joy of summer. This summer, the joy comes from traveling, the greenery, the cicadas, the wind whistling through the terrace, and the endless ice cream ~ so don't miss out on those unforgettable bites of ice cream on your trip to Japan! 🍨

Foil One Dongshan Store - Gold Foil Ice Cream, Every Bite is a Taste of Money

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Gold leaf is a symbol of Kanazawa, and over 99% of all gold leaf in Japan is produced here. The “Gold Leaf Ice Cream” was originally a limited edition souvenir from the gold leaf brand “Foil One” to celebrate the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen, but it has unexpectedly become so popular that it has become an iconic experience for travelers to Kanazawa.
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Made of pure gold, it is called “Japan's most luxurious ice cream”! A whole sheet of edible gold foil is attached to the vanilla ice cream, glittering with gold. 891 yen pricing comes from the HAKUICHI (箔一)谐音, which is a little pricey: every bite is a taste of money!
Address: 1-15-4 Higashiyama, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
✧Open Hours: 9:00~18:00
✧Cost per person: 891 yen
Access:1,655 meters from Kita Railway Kanazawa Station

GUFO (グーフォ) - Creative Aesthetics Ice Cream

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GUFO is a creative ice cream store located in the trendy neighborhood of Kitahorie, Osaka. The products are characterized by their original flavor combinations and exquisite plating art. The Earl Grey Chocolate Ice Cream (アールグレイショコラ), which combines the rich flavor of Earl Grey tea with the texture of silky chocolate, is a popular and highly acclaimed item in the store.
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✧Address: U+ Building 1F, 1-11-9 Kitahorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
✧Open Hours: 11:00~18:00
✧Cost per person: 580 yen
Access:139m from Yotsubashi Station

● ジェラテリア アクオリーナ(GELATERIA ACQUOLINA)·A Sweet Legend of Craftsmanship

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Mr. Shigaraki, the founder of Acquolina, has been in the restaurant business for 26 years and is committed to providing customers with authentic Italian handmade ice cream, combining seasonal fruits and local ingredients to make about 20 different flavors of ice cream on the same day.
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While a rating of 3.5 on the “Food Blog” is good enough, Acquolina's rating of 3.95 is rare! Acquolina has been selected as one of the “Top 100 Shops” for seven consecutive years and has won numerous awards, and is destined to become a legend in the ice cream world.
Address: 1-11-10, Gohonmoku, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Hours: 13:00-20:00
Average cost per person: 680 yen
Access:59 meters from Yutenji Station, turn right at the west exit of Yutenji Station on the Tokyu Toyoko Line.

●ハウ・トゥリー・ジェラート(Hau tree gelato)·Ishigaki Island Limited Marble Ice Cream

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This is a 17 year old store with a signature specialty “Marble Ice Cream” made from Ishigaki Island milk and safe fruits grown on our own farm without compost, fertilizers, or pesticides.
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Marble ice cream is made by mixing fruits, sweet potatoes, Awamori (Okinawa's unique distilled spirit), and Kinchugo (Okinawa's traditional confectionery) on marble at -20°C. It is a limited flavor of Ishigaki Island! The store serves more than 30 kinds of ice cream toppings all year round and introduces limited new products according to seasonal changes. As a proud member of the Mango Farmer's family, the summer-only mango ice cream that starts in July is a customer favorite.
Address: 281 Okawa, Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture
Open Hours: 11:00~19:00 (Closed in winter)
Average spending per person: 580 yen
Access:Walking distance from the center of Ishigaki Island
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