⛩️A quiet mind is naturally cool! What exactly is the experience of going to a temple lodging house in Japan?
00 min
Aug 24, 2024
Aug 24, 2024
It's not the form but the state of mind that matters in a lodging house
Sitting Zen, copying scriptures, vegetarianism ......
Seek tranquility and refreshment of body and soul in a quiet ancient temple
Regaining Inner Peace
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📎 Shiga Prefecture Wakong Mitsuiji

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1300-year-old Mitsuiji Temple in Shiga Prefecture
Converted from a Buddhist temple, Myoken-in
“Wako Mii Temple”
A unique luxury lodging experience
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64 national treasures in the temple collection
Very important for worship and appreciation
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“Wakong” is located in this thousand-year-old temple.
Ancient style Japanese-style rooms and elegant gardens form a beautiful picture.
The interior is beautifully furnished
The view from the window is also beautiful.
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Converted from Myoken-in, a Buddhist Temple
Wako Mitsuiji Temple is now open.
Experience the life of a monk, such as sitting in meditation, copying sutras, and going to bed.
Spring cherry blossoms and autumn maples in the exclusive garden
Hikari Jogakuin Hall and Kansei Gakuin Hall
Enjoy a pure Zen meditation experience on your own
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246 Mitsuiji, Sonjouji-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga Prefecture waqoo-miidera.com

📎 Fukushima Prefecture Shoeunji Kounkan

Jung-un Temple is a pure mountain temple.
The temple's lodging house is called “Kouunkan.”
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There are no stores or homes around.
There are no TVs, no computers, and no cell phone reception.
Experience a monastic life that is completely cut off from everyday life
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A monolithic Honsan temple of the Caodong Sect.
This temple is dedicated to Sakyamuni.
The guardian of the temple is Kannon.
The Dagaram in the temple has survived for 450 years.
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Sitting meditation, writing sutras, hearing the Dharma, doing business, internal observation, solo meditation ......
One is completely absorbed in the practice
Not hearing the world, only purifying the mind
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643 Bukutazawa, Yukawa-kaku, Higashiyama-cho, Aizuwakamatsu-shi, Fukushima-ken, Japan www.shounji.or.jp/shukubo.html

📎 Ishikawa Prefecture Hakusan Nature Chi-no-sato/Ikumo

Kaga area in Hokuriku
There is a mountain belief in the local Hakusan Mountains.
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Hakusan deities and rocky caves are worshipped.
Nayaguji Temple is a temple that prays for wisdom from nature.
Famous as a dojo for “nature wisdom”.
It was selected as a one-star attraction in the Michelin Travel Guide.
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Practitioners usually climb to the top of a mountain
The practice is completed during the climb.
The lodging house “Ikumo” is located on the top of the mountain.
Looking east at Mt. Hakusan, west at the Sea of Japan and Noto Peninsula.
The view is wide and the air is clear.
It's an unparalleled place for meditation.
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The living room is simple and spacious
Equipped with an open-air rock wind instrument
Sunset over the Sea of Japan or a clear starry sky while soaking in the hot spring.
All dishes are made of organic vegetables and seafood from the Sea of Japan.
At the top of the mountain, almost isolated from the rest of the world.
A sense of seclusion
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Nakuji Temple has an “Ancient Shinto Fire Ceremony”.
It's also held every morning in Ikumo.
To pray for inner peace and happiness.
Only residents can experience it.
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20-13.14, Naya-cho, Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture www.ikumo-hakusan.jp

📎 Saitama Prefecture Fukuozan Shogakuji Temple

Birds and flowers in the daytime and stars in the nighttime.
Leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city
Come and spend a night in this ancient temple
It's a rare experience
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A 500-year-old lodging house with an atmosphere of olden times
The accommodation is located in the main hall and the guesthouse.
The interior is simple and unadorned
Pure atmosphere of temple life
Refined cuisine using fresh local vegetables is light, simple and delicious.
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Sitting meditation, copying sutras, Dharma talk, cleaning the monastery with the monks…
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2326 Kaminaguri, Iino-shi, Saitama, Japan fukuousan-shougakuji.jimdo.com

📎 Shiga Prefecture Hireyama Enryakuji Temple Enryakuji Kaikan

Known as the “Mother Mountain of Japanese Buddhism”.
Lake Biwa, Kyoto, and Osaka Bay are in full view.
Enryaku-ji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai Sect of Japan.
It is one of the most important temples in Japan's history.
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Inside the temple, there's a lodging house called Eunryuji Kaikan.
It's a place to relax in a peaceful environment.
A beautiful view of Lake Biwa.
It's a fresh and elegant view of Mt. Bireu.
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Fenrue uses the natural water system in the mountains
The view of Lake Biwa is unrivaled.
The Sanskrit coffee at the tea store is also very popular.
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Sitting in meditation, copying scriptures, and savoring refined cuisine ......
You just need to let go of everything
You just need to let go of everything and realize the Zen of life in the beauty of the lake and the mountains.
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Inside Mount Hiei Enryaku-ji Temple, 4220 Sakamoto-machi, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture syukubo.jp/
We do need to relax.
Even if we can't move for a while.
We can still have a “lodging house” state of mind.
Sutra copying, tea tasting, sitting in meditation...
All of them are effective in clearing the mind.

  • Cusdis