🏝️Okinawa Outlying Islands Episode! How to Enjoy the Jelly Sea of Japan in One Go!
00 min
Jun 23, 2024
Jun 23, 2024
Summer is here, and so is the most rewarding season of the year in Okinawa.
The Okinawa Islands are divided into the main island of Okinawa and the outlying islands. The main island is long and narrow, and is divided into the northern, central and southern parts.
In addition to the main island, the places you have to visit in Okinawa are the outlying islands.
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There are quite a few outlying islands around Okinawa, and some of them are not much developed nowadays, so we won't introduce all of them, but mainly a few islands that are more worth visiting.

🤗 An "uninhabited island" - Nagaloo Island

Approx. 20 minutes by highway boat from Naha City
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Nagaru Island used to be an uninhabited island, and the island is very small, but it is one of the hottest outlying islands in Okinawa. The main reason for this is its proximity, 15 kilometers west of Naha in the sea, and about 20 minutes by high-speed boat from Naha City Moor Harbor.
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Located at the entrance to the Keiranuma Islands, which have been designated as a national park, Nagaru Island is a small island of coral sand gathered from shells and coral fragments in an unrivaled and very beatable environment. Both sides of the island are protected by the park, and only the center part is open. There is a limit to the number of people who can visit the island each day, and you need to make a reservation in advance to visit the island. Be careful when visiting this island as it is full of shells and coral fragments, which are hard on the feet, so be sure to wear shoes. From April to October every year, the island will be open for accommodation, mainly huts or tents on the island.
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A more recommended day trip is to leave in the morning and spend the day napping and BBQing in a hut or on the beach for a carefree vacation, returning in the afternoon.
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🤗 Best Value - Watari-Kashiki Island

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There are more than 20 islands of various sizes and shapes floating in the sea about 30 to 40 kilometers west of Naha, and these are the Keiryu Islands, which are famous for their ultra-transparent water and beautiful coral reefs. While Naru Island is the entrance to the Keiryu Islands, Watari-Kashiki Island is the largest of the Keiryu Islands. Because of its size, this island has a lot to offer. Not only is there a seven-colored sea, but there are also rolling hills and lush subtropical plants on the island.
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The island's Aporian Beach is also a very famous beach in the Okinawa area, and the white sand is so fine that you can walk on it without much stress. The seawater next to it is also a big attraction. The water here is super clear, and under the combined effect of the underwater topography and microorganisms, the seawater around the island takes on different shades of blue, and its beauty is considered to be the best ocean to visit in your life.
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If you want to experience a diving program, we recommend this place. Here you can dive under the sea to see more than 250 different types of coral, you can also enjoy the pulp board, sea kayaking, snorkeling packages, all with a professional instructor, in the sea to enjoy the fish and coral, colorful coral reefs and swim between the schools of tropical fish, also fascinating, and if you are lucky to meet the sea turtles.
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🤗 Emerald Waters - Suina Island

About 15 minutes by high-speed ferry from Wakuji Port
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Suina Island is known as the Goat's Horn Island because of its crescent shape and unique structure that is interesting to look at from above.
The sea of Suina Island is a true emerald sea, surrounded by emerald green water, white sandy beaches and coral reefs under the surface of the sea as one, like a picture, magnificent and fascinating and wonderfully interesting. In addition, the seawater here is exceptionally pure and transparent as if it did not exist, so it is particularly suitable for diving and coastal activities, and at any time, you may encounter gorgeous coral reefs and schools of fish, and harvest unusual surprises.
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The island is also small in size, with only a few dozen inhabitants (a little better than Nalu), and relatively speaking, the supporting facilities are also a little bit better. The island also has a special swimming area, parents with small children can experience the fun of the sea here.
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This place is also not recommended to live ha, after all, small, the experience will not be very good, day trips can be experienced. (This and Nalu Island is not very different, one of the two, with children to come here, not with children can go to Nalu.)

🤗 The most crowded island - Iejima Island

About 30 minutes by ferry from Hombu Port
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Iejima has the largest population of residents among the many outlying islands, but this does not detract from its beautiful scenery at all. On the island, there is Shiroyama, one of the eight scenic spots of Okinawa, where old rocks are intertwined with new ones in a unique way. When you climb to the top of the mountain, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Iejima Island. Although it is not a million-dollar view, the countryside and the sea have a different flavor.
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There is also the largest lily park in Okinawa on Iejima Island, which is planted with a large number of lilies. When the flowering season arrives in April every year, millions of pure white flowers in full bloom decorate the whole island as an island of lilies, which is even more dreamlike, but the flowering season is coming to an end.
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🤗 You can see whales here - Zama Aji Island

Approx. 50 minutes by high-speed boat and 90 minutes by ferry from Naha Port.
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When it comes to Okinawa, there's actually one great sight that you won't find anywhere else, and that's whale watching.
One of the islands in Okinawa where you can see whales is Zama Aji Island, and they are humpback whales! However, it is from November to March every year. The sight of humpback whales coming out of the water in winter is very impressive, and if you are lucky, you can also see a mother whale swimming with her calf.
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Zamamejima is the second largest of the Keiranuma islands after Wakashima, and is known as "the sea that the world loves" because of the breathtaking beauty of the beautiful waters that surround the island. When you go to Zamaemoshima Island in this season, you will mainly see the sea, play in the water and dive.
Ajin Beach and Kuzamachi Beach are famous snorkeling spots where you can enjoy rolling coral reefs and schools of tropical fish.
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On top of that, nights on the island are unaffected by a lot of lights, and at nightfall the starry skies appear especially clear, with a number of shooting stars and the Milky Way sometimes visible.
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🤗 Kumejima

About 30 minutes by airplane from Okinawa Honto Island
While the previous islands were accessible by boat, Kumejima is accessible by airplane. Kumejima is an island rich in natural resources that was considered particularly beautiful even among the many islands of the Ryukyu Dynasty, and was known as "Kumejima" because of its outstanding beauty.
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Almost the entire island of Kumejima has been designated as a prefectural nature park, and on the east side of the island there is "Hate-no-hama," a 7-kilometer-long stretch of snow-white sandy beaches and emerald-blue sea, and "Jishi-no-shi," a beach with strange rocks and stones that resemble the shells of tortoises. Kumejima's unique landscape is the result of nature's ingenious work.
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The other thing is that Kume Island is a famous snorkeling destination, with lush coral reefs stretching along the coast, and the surrounding islets are almost all natural parks because they are off the beaten path, and the quality of the snorkeling is superb.
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🤗 Kutaka Island

Approx. 15 minutes by high-speed boat and 25 minutes by ferry from Anzama Port.
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Kutaka Island is an island that holds a high place in the hearts of Okinawans. It is said that Amamikyu, the ancestral god who created the Ryukyus, first descended to this island, and therefore it is also called the "Island of the Gods", and the whole island has an unusual atmosphere as if it were a sacred place.
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The best way to explore Kutaka Island is to rent a bicycle and ride around the island at a leisurely pace. Cabal Point on the island is said to be the sacred place where the ancestral god descends, and offers a beautiful view of Okinawa's main island, while Kamoi Goryo, one of the seven great yakuza of the Ryukyus, has a sacred and solemn atmosphere that brings a sense of awe to the soul.
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🤗 Kohama Island

About 30 minutes by ferry from Ishigaki Port Outlying Islands Terminal
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Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Kohama Island has long been known as "Japan's Last Paradise". Although it is relatively small compared to other outlying islands, it is a true water sports paradise and should not be missed by water sports enthusiasts.

🤗 Tsurugashima Island

About 30 minutes by ferry from Hirakikiya Port
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Tsurugi Island is a well-known carrot-producing area in Okinawa, with a circumference of about 7 kilometers, which can be explored on foot or by renting a bicycle. The most famous of these is Tomato Beach, where the combination of fine white sand and highly transparent water makes it an excellent place to go, whether you are here for a relaxing vacation or to experience water sports.
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Of course, besides those mentioned above.
There are also some islands that are worth visiting, such as Ishigaki Island where you can ride an oxcart, Miyako Island with its own color code, Iriomote Island with its primeval forests, and so on...
The biggest difference between these outlying islands of Okinawa and the main island is that they are not highly commercialized and there are not many tourists. Relatively speaking the sea water is bluer, the scenery is more beautiful, and the comfort level is higher, but the convenience level will also be somewhat reduced. We generally recommend picking 2-3 outlying islands to experience at a time, plus the main island, so that Okinawa as a whole is richer.

  • Cusdis