3️⃣Fukuoka's only Asian 50 restaurant this year, Goh
00 min
May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024
This restaurant is the only Asian 50 restaurant in Fukuoka this year, and there are many stories on the Internet, and the seasoning is accurate, which is also a direct feeling for my first visit.
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When we booked a place for 2 people 2 days in advance, they informed us in advance that there was a place, and they would also tell us to share a table with other guests, and we would not think too much about it if we could make a reservation, so we waited for the meal to start.
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Goh, who just won the Asian 50, was actually said to have the possibility of closing the store before winning the award, but this time he really won the award and quickly became a hot spot in the city.
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Goh Fukuoka made his debut in the Asia 50 with No. 45
Entering at six o'clock, it was raining lightly that day, and the guests were a little late, but the four Japanese guests were already sitting at opposite ends of the restaurant near the kitchen, two couples of men and women, but all according to the standard of formal French cuisine, the men's suits were straight, the women's skirts were suits, and they were elegantly drinking champagne.
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There are only 5 people in the restaurant, including waiters and chefs. There is only one kitchen and a 10-person long table in the whole restaurant, and the menu is limited to the chef of the day, and the 10-course menu contains all local Japanese ingredients and is prepared in a French style.
Sit down at 6 o'clock, almost all the guests arrive at 6:30 o'clock, until 8 o'clock when all the dishes are finished, the time and production are very compact, the most important thing is that each dish is very stylish, and grasps the essence of the restaurant: delicious!
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An opening white asparagus butter and shiso, salty and fresh, but balanced, the reserved Japanese girl opposite shouted "oishii" in two voices.
I thought it was a king or a regular customer, but it wasn't until later that I connected the horse meat sea urchin tartar, the two tomato combinations beetroot Toro, and the small pea kelp consommé, and I already knew that good taste was global, and it was a good taste that everyone knew, and my favorite combination of hijiki squid and black beans opened up a new taste, and the two sauces of halibut were also very powerful, and the sauce dipped in bread after mixing was the soul.
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White asparagus, butter, perilla
One spoonful, the satisfaction is overwhelming, but the most valuable thing is that the umami comes with the saltiness and fat, and if you look at the balance of the taste system, it can be called perfect. The buttery aroma and creamy foaminess of the butter are so satisfying.
This bite went down, made a good start, and suddenly had a good impression.
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Horse meat, sea urchin, French chives
Horse meat and sea urchin with excellent ingredients are not uncommon in Japanese cuisine, but when they are combined and garnished with chives, they are delicious together. It's unremarkable, but the taste is precise.
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Tuna belly, tomato, beetroot
This mouthful of tomatoes stabilized the whole thing, and there was no disappointment when I ate the third course. In particular, this bite of the combination of tomato sauce and toro, I never thought that tomatoes and toro would intersect, in order to match the main color of red, beetroot is also involved, toro's oil and slightly sweet tomato and beetroot are cleverly blended, and the sweet and sour taste brings a long time of freshness.
The first three are just an opening. Opens up curiosity, but also opens the taste buds.
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Abalone, shiitake mushrooms, seaweed
Before serving, sprinkle in seaweed powder, still fresh, but abalone cut thick slices and shiitake mushrooms cut thick slices after simmering have their own freshness, the top sauce comes from mushroom sauce, various combinations of freshness, constitute a complete combination of sea, land and air umami
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Peas, citrus oil, kombu
The kombu soup has not yet been served, the whole restaurant is filled with the freshness of kombu, kombu is the base of Japanese food, every household has a unique place, in a cup of pea-covered kombu soup buried in egg custard, is an extension of the tea bowl steaming, the soul is dripping with a little citrus oil, color and taste bear the fresh presentation
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Grilled lamb chops, broad beans, watercress
The main dish is served, the chef uses lamb from France, and before the dish is served, he has already started charcoal grilling, and this menu does not use beef, and deliberately chooses mutton, which may also be the chef's fixed thinking of avoiding Japanese Wagyu beef as the main dish.
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The lamb is charcoal-grilled before it is served, and the whole kitchen can smell the aroma.
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Flounder, rape, shallots sauce
Before this dish is served, you can't imagine the texture at all when you see the menu, and when it is served, the sauce is made up of two combinations, and the chef will tell you to stir well and go with the flounder. In fact, the most amazing thing is the bread that goes with it, and the rest of the sauce is stuffed directly into a mouthful of baked fluffy butter bread, happy, and the brain is starved of oxygen. I want to have another piece of bread, but I have to say that the overall taste of bread in Japan is stable and high, and it is the kind with a strong and long aftertaste, so it is no wonder that many bakeries queue up.
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Fluorescent squid, hijiki, black beans
This dish is served in black, and it will not arouse enough appetite, but once you enter it, it is really a concentrated presentation of accurate taste, the crisp and fresh of the fluorescent squid is properly retained, and black beans are used to participate in it, plus a kind of seaweed hijiki that Japan loves to eat, the unique seaweed taste makes the whole dish from crisp to tender to fresh, rich enough to dig a whole bowl, if you have to find fault, it is estimated that the white bowl will be more appetizing.
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Kumquat, olive oil, tarragon oil
Before the dessert is served, the chef burns it on the spot, in addition to the interactive and performative attributes, the richness of the kumquat is more prominent with the blessing of olive oil and tarragon oil.
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The matching cherry blossom Clarion is very sweet, but I personally don't like it too much, and I can't deny the excellence of the matching Cooler. The matching food dissipator comes from roasted lemongrass tea, which is brewed by yourself on the spot, and you can drink it to your heart's content
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Chef Takshfoya Kuma
In short, spending 1,000 yen to eat some interesting French food is the True Fragrance series. Many times we give the greatest tolerance to creativity and innovation, often forgetting that taste is the most fundamental thing, and Goh's ability to keep taste high on the basis of maintaining innovation and local is a good example.

  • Cusdis