๐Ÿ˜‹Walking, eating and drinking coffee in Kyoto
00ย min
Aug 4, 2024
Aug 4, 2024
Wander through the streets and alleys to find stores that are unique to Kyoto, not trendy, but with their own unique aesthetic. Kyoto is such a city, strolling leisurely, there may be a surprise around the corner, each store is quietly there, waiting for people to find, never noisy and pompous. Kyoto is old and warm.


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farmoon is as wonderful as imagined. In a quiet neighborhood off Philosophy Road, a stone building with a gray and white faรงade, the door opens gently to a large round wooden table where diners from all over the world sit around. With an open kitchen and lush trees through the windows, you can watch the hostess and the chef prepare the ingredients. farmoon doesn't have a fixed menu, and is only open on weekends, giving the restaurant a โ€œone day at a timeโ€ feel.
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Some meals are meant to be eaten like an aesthetic experience disguised as a meal. Being there, immersing yourself in it, and looking back on it later still fills you with joy.
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I met wife&husband because of a postcard of Kamogawa picnic, but on a rainy day in Kyoto, I could only sit for a while in this small cafe full of vintage atmosphere, drinking a cup of Japanese deep-roasted hand-brewed with just the right amount of toasted buttered toast, looking at the rain pattering outside the window, and at this moment I felt just as the man of the house said: โ€œThis is an uninteresting store! Innovation is exciting though, and what's cutting edge can be a thing of the past in the next moment. Interesting scale aside, we want it to be a place where you feel good in essence no matter how many times you comeโ€.
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Only three days a week, even the high traffic weekends have to choose to rest. I can't help but wonder inwardly if this cafe doesn't want to make money. I think not only this store does not want to make money, but also other coffee shops in Kyoto are very Buddhist. In fact, in our opinion, this business model is very good to imitate, hanging some tables and chairs for picnics in front of the door, the Kamogawa River is so big, we can roll can imitate each other. But the store owners in Kyoto chose not to, they just want to run a different store, never the slightest similarity with others.
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This is what an ideal cafe should be like, and you will always be impressed by the coziness behind it.
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๐Ÿค— Bird Rock Tower

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The answer to the 10th grade fan of family meals who wants to find the best one in Kyoto is Toriwa House. Enter the two-story building full of history, walk through the small Japanese-style garden with lush greenery, and go up to the second floor to dine. You don't have to order anything at this restaurant, and there's only one course of rice for parents and children. A raw quail egg in the center glistening with oil is broken up and dipped into the rice, and the chicken is superbly tender, making it a simple and flavorful meal.
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๐Ÿค— Howling Moon

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Wagamama, how about trying it once. I recall it now with only one word: sweet. Sogetsu is a truly famous restaurant in Japan, and it is a reservation system, so you can call your friends and come at the specified time, but you can't eat at the restaurant. The items are usually changed according to the season, and you can't specify the type, only the number of items.
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Wagashi is simply a sticky skin wrapped in a bean paste filling. Sweet it is, but the dense and delicate texture is a good experience with the warm tea.
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๐Ÿค— Kazunobuya Kazusuke

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A yakisoba restaurant with a history of 1,000 years - yes, 1,000 years. In Kyoto, where there are many century-old restaurants, Ichimonjiya Kazusuke is one of the best. It is said that this store has been passed down for 25 generations and has never changed its location.
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Skewers of rice cakes dipped in soybean powder are roasted and charred over charcoal and drizzled with white miso for a sweet texture with a hint of saltiness, another rustic food.
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๐Ÿค— ใ†ใ‚ใžใฎTea room

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Drinking Life Coffee in Kyoto. Yes, this weekenders is on the corner of a parking lot. One rainy early morning, went to Walder first to buy bread to take with me to this friendly neighborhood store that opens at 7:30 am. It's a coffee shop that specializes in light roasts, with no fancy assortment of treatments; washed is the main theme. Seating is scarce, but leaning against the parking lot railing and sipping your coffee, you name it, City or not.
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๐Ÿค— Blue Bottle Nanzenji shop

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๐Ÿค— Miyagawa Inoue Gate

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๐Ÿค— Rokujuan

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๐Ÿค— Suba Sumi

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๐Ÿค— Maruwan

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Kyoto is great for wandering around old alleyways and coming across wonderful little stores around the corner.

  • Cusdis