🏯Kyoto Renwaji Temple: A World Heritage Site and Royal Temple of the Millennium
00 min
Aug 30, 2024
Aug 30, 2024
Nihon Renwaji Temple, also known as Gomuro Gosho, is a historic Buddhist temple located in Kyoto's Kyonishi Ward, the head temple of the Gomuro sect of the Shingon Buddhism in Japan, and part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is not only an invaluable heritage of Japanese culture and religion, but also an excellent place for tourists to explore the ancient architecture and religious art of Japan.
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Renwa-ji Temple was built in 886 A.D. on the order of the then Emperor Uda to pray for national tranquility and imperial prosperity. It was completed in 888 A.D. and was named after the reign name of the Emperor at that time, and the name of the temple, “Renwa,” was taken from the Emperor's reign name, meaning “the age of mercy and harmony. Through many rebuildings and restorations, Renwaji Temple has retained a variety of architectural styles from the Heian Period to the Edo Period, and has witnessed the changes in Japan's history.
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This is the place where Emperor Uda was born and where he later lived as the temple's first abbot. Renwaji Temple is known as a menkyo temple. Monzen refers to Buddhist monks of noble or royal lineage and the temples where they lived. Later on, Emperor Uda and the Hogen Princes became monks here, and it became a royal temple, with many sons and daughters of the Emperor living here, so Renwaji Temple is also known as “Gomuro Gosho,” and its cherry blossoms are called “Gomuro Cherry Blossoms.
Renwaji Temple was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.
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Renwaji Temple is famous for its magnificent Kindo (Golden Hall) and Gokujyo Pagoda. The Kindo, the temple's centerpiece, houses several statues of Buddha, and its walls are beautifully painted with murals showing Buddhist stories and scenes of life in ancient Japan. The Five-Storied Pagoda towers over the temple, one of the tallest wooden pagodas in Japan, and is marvelous for its elaborate construction and decorative workmanship.
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A fine five-story pagoda, a massive main entrance, pleasantly landscaped gardens (with ponds, bridges and old stones), sloping gravel gardens, a teahouse and beautiful prayer and residence halls.
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Among the cherry blossoms at Renwaji Temple, which has been selected as one of the “Top 100 Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots,” the Gomuro cherry blossoms are the most famous. When you enter the temple from the Niemon Gate and go through the vermillion-lacquered central gate on the north side, you will find a dense forest of Gomuro cherry blossoms on your left hand side. This type of cherry blossom is characterized by its late flowering period and short trunk. It is usually at its best in mid-April, making Renwaji Temple famous as the best place in Kyoto to see late cherry blossoms. Another reason why the cherry blossoms here are so popular is because the trunks of the trees are relatively low, allowing visitors to see the gorgeous blossoms in full bloom up close.
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There are about 500 cherry blossom trees planted in the temple grounds, and there are many varieties of cherry blossoms, but the main ones are Mikuran cherry blossoms and Someiyoshino cherry blossoms. The “Osawa Cherry” is a garden variety of Satozakura, with about 10 light purplish-red petals per flower, while the “Ariake Cherry” has white flowers with a light fragrance. You can enjoy many niche varieties of cherry blossoms here and feel the charm of different cherry blossoms.
Renwaji Temple is not only a holy place for Buddhist practice, but also a treasure house of Japanese culture and art. The temple houses a large collection of national treasures and important cultural properties, including ancient sutras, paintings, and sculptures. Every spring, Renwakuji Temple also hosts the Cherry Blossom Festival, when the entire temple is beautifully surrounded by cherry blossoms in full bloom.
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Since its founding in the 4th year of the Renho period, Renhoji Temple has collected many treasures, including Buddhist paintings and artifacts, including the three statues of Amida, the principal Buddha. The collection is widely collected from the Heian Period to modern times, and a portion of the collection is on public display at the Reibokan.
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As the head temple of the Shingon sect, Renwa-ji Temple is an important place for Japanese Buddhists to conduct their religious activities. The temple regularly holds pujas, sermons, and other events that attract devotees from all over the country. In addition, Renwaji Temple offers sitting meditation experience, which allows visitors to experience the Zen practice life in a peaceful environment.
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Renhe Temple is open to the public all year round and visitors are free to visit. There are several walking trails inside the temple, along which visitors can take their time to enjoy the architecture and natural beauty of the temple. In addition, there are several teahouses and restaurants in the vicinity of the temple, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies while exploring the area.
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  • Transportation: Take city bus No. 26 from JR Kyoto Station and get off at the “Mikuro Renwaji Temple” stop. It takes about 40 minutes. 3-minute walk from Muro Renwaji Station on the Arashi Electric Kitano Line.
  • Admission: There is no admission fee to the temple, but during the cherry blossom season, there is a climbing fee of 500 yen (200 yen for junior high school students and younger). There are also passes and group discounts for visiting the Gotei or Reihokan.
  • Layout of Renhe Temple (refer to the following)
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Renwaji Temple is not only a symbol of Buddhism in Japan, but also a bridge between the past and the present. It quietly tells the story of a thousand years, waiting to be explored and experienced by visitors from all over the world. Whether you are interested in Buddhist culture or have studied ancient Japanese architecture and art, Renwaji Temple is a destination not to be missed.

  • Cusdis