🏞️This is the largest national park in Japan, spanning 1 prefecture and 10 prefectures! Not only is it huge in size, but there is also a lot to see!
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Jul 11, 2024
Jul 11, 2024
There are three national parks in the Kinki region: Yoshino Kumano National Park, Sanin Kaigan National Park, and Seto Inland Sea National Park.

🤗 1、Yoshino Kumano National Park

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Yoshino Kumano National Park, as you can tell by the name, Yoshino and Kumano. This park is a national park centered on the three mountains of Yoshino and Kumano (which are not three mountains).
The park covers a wide area, spanning three prefectures, Mie, Wakayama, and Nara, and extends from Mt. Yoshino in the center of the Kii Peninsula to the south, encompassing the Omine Mountain Range, the three Kumano mountains, and the Kumano Beach coastline.
So this park is also very rich in terrain, ranging from mountains, forests, valleys, coastlines, and many other varieties. A lot of people have probably been here, they just might not know it.

Yoshinoyama, the Spring Scenery

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If you were to pick a place in Japan with the most cherry blossoms, Yoshinoyama in Nara Prefecture would undoubtedly be the first choice for many people.
In the history of Japan, Yoshinoyama was a place of practice for Buddhism-Shugendo. In the eighth century, during the Nara period, Kanebozanji Zao-do was opened here, and it became the center of Yoshinoyama. Since then, cherry blossoms have been recognized as sacred trees by the practitioners of Buddhism, and many believers have been donating cherry blossom trees to Yoshinoyama, which has grown to 30,000 cherry blossom trees today, making Yoshinoyama famous for cherry blossom viewing in the springtime.
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The cherry blossoms here are known as "Ichimoku Senbon" (a thousand trees as far as the eye can see). From the lower elevation of "Shimo-Senbon" to "Naka-Senbon" and "Kami-Senbon", the mountains are covered in pink color, and from the beginning to the end of April, it is a good time to enjoy cherry blossoms.
In addition to the cherry blossoms in spring, it is also worth seeing the red leaves in fall and the white snow in winter. The temple buildings on Mount Yoshino are also worth seeing. For example, the main hall of Kanebozanji Temple, Zao-do, which has been designated as a national treasure of Japan, is a wooden building so large that it is second only to the Daibutsu-den of Todaiji Temple in Nara.

170km Great Treadmill - Great Peaks Mountains

Omine is the general name for the Omine mountain range, which consists of Yamagatake, Inamuragatake, and Hachikegatake.
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The Omine Mountain Range has peaks above 1,500 meters in elevation, including Hakkei-dake (1,915 meters above sea level), and the Omine Okugakemichi Trail, which runs along the main ridge, is a difficult trail.
I don't know if you remember, but when we talked about the Kumano Kodo in the past, we mentioned the Omine Okugakemichi, a path of worship that runs through the Kii Peninsula, connecting the routes of Mt. Yoshino, the Omine Mountains, and the three mountains of Kumano, which was originally a longitudinal route opened up in the 9th century for the purpose of spiritual training by the practitioners. Unlike ordinary mountaineering routes, it is a difficult practice route with a total length of 170 kilometers.
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Kansai Grand Canyon - Chokyo Gorge

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Dorokyo Gorge is located in the eastern part of Gozan Prefecture, on the border of Nara and Mie Prefectures, and is part of the Kumano River, which is listed as a World Heritage Site as the "Kawanokumano Kodo" and has a total length of about 31 kilometers. Dorokyo Gorge is located in the upper reaches of the Kitayama River and is divided into Oku-Dorokyo and Shimodorokyo. Shimodoro is also known as "Dorohachi-dori" because of its magnificent rock formations. The lake is so quiet because of the rocks surrounding the canyon, and it is very relaxing to ride a boat through the canyon. This is a good place to visit in the fall, when you can see the red leaves. In summer, it is also a good place for summer vacation.
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Kumano Kodo, the world's only two pilgrimage routes

We've talked about this place in great detail, so without further ado, those interested can go directly here.

Kumano Beach, the "Normandy" of the Japanese people

Kumano Beach is a place that you don't see as a beach, but it's actually the Normandy of the Japanese, and it all goes back to the Kumano faith. That is, why the Japanese people take Kumano Omikami as the origin of faith, we did not expand in the pilgrimage article before, today just to add. The origin of the Kumano Faith goes back to the origin of the Japanese Yamato nation, the Shinobu Eastward Journey. According to the history of Japan's origins, "The Record of Ancient Matters," Japan's first emperor, Emperor Jimmu, set out with his troops from Hyuga Province (today's Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu, Japan) and conquered the island of Honshu by traveling east through the Seto Inland Sea. He initially landed in Namba (present-day Osaka) but was met with fierce resistance from local clans, and was defeated and retreated to Wakayama for rest and recuperation.
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It was here that Emperor Jimmu's fleet, which had received a divine message, suddenly went southward around the Kii Peninsula, landed at Kumano Beach near the Speed Tamaru Taisha Shrine, and went northward along the Kumano River, this time attacking from the east to the west, and captured the Nara Basin with great success, and from then on, founded the Yamato Kingdom, and the Yamato Nation was established, which is the origin of the Kumano Faith.
Because of this, Kumano Sanzan, Kumano River, and Kumano Beach have been given the appearance of divinity.
There is not much to say about Kumano Beach, but there is a place called Onigajo Castle, which is worth a visit. Onigajo is one of the 100 most beautiful sights in Japan, and is a barbaric place like the "Devil's House" with countless caves of various sizes formed by the rise of the coastal terrain and the rough waves of Kumano Beach.
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"Pirate" Den - Sandanbi

You've all been to Shirakahama, but a few kilometers away is a place called Sanbanbi. The 2-kilometer-long, 60-meter-high, yellowish-brown rock wall along the coast is actually a columnar joint, and what's even more peculiar is that there are deep caves underneath the solid rock wall, which were once used by pirates in the Heian period as a hideout in Japan's history.
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Nowadays, Misubanbi is a famous sightseeing spot for its spectacular cliffs. There is an observation deck on top of the cliffs, which offers a great view of the rolling rock face and a panoramic view of the Nanki Sea. However, there is also a new and interesting experience - an elevator ride down into a 36-meter-deep cave, which is quite magical.
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🤗 2. Sanin Kaigan National Park

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This national park, we've come out with a single article, and the fun is basically all in there, so we won't expand on it.

🤗 3. Seto Inland Sea National Park

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The Seto Inland Sea National Park, Japan's most extensive national park, stretches from Osaka and Wakayama in the east to Oita and Fukuoka in Kyushu in the west, covering an area of more than 900,000 hectares in one prefecture and 10 prefectures, including the sea.
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This park is really big and covers a lot of things, basically every prefecture is associated a little bit, but the main thing is the Seto Inland Sea and art, so let's pick some to talk about.

Osaka Bay, Osaka's only natural seashore

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All the talk about how much fun this place is and how beautiful the view is is basically bullshit.
It's the only natural waterfront in Osaka, so it's nice to watch the sunset, but it's really not that impressive compared to some of the other waterfronts.
Osaka Bay is also known as the "Sea of the Fish Garden", and the fishing industry has been thriving since ancient times, producing not only fish such as sardines and sea bream, but also shrimp, crabs, and octopus. If you get caught in Kuromon, why don't you visit the Izumisano Fisheries Association Aokko Market here?
Another thing is that the most frequent cause of stranding in Osaka Bay in the past two years has been whales.

Uninhabited Island - Tomodo

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Tomojima, an uninhabited island floating in the Kaitan Strait, consists of four islands: Okinoshima, Jinoshima, Torajima, and Kamishima. Okinoshima Island is the most important island to visit, and it takes about 30 minutes by boat from Kata Harbor in Wakayama. When you arrive at the island, you can experience a 2-hour and 30-minute hiking course where you can see the remains of forts and observation decks along the way, and because it is an uninhabited island, the whole course is very quiet and the view of the sea is also good. In the west of Okinoshima Island, there is a "Snake Pond" surrounded by a wide variety of wetland plants.
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Tomojima is also the setting for the popular suspense anime "Summer Revisited", and is called "Hidetojima" in the anime. As a result, the main character, Shio Ark, became the first Wakayama City Anime Tourism Ambassador.

Narushima, the Seto Island that you can buy

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It is a little-known island next to Awaji Island, the Pearl of Hyogo, so no one comes here. It is worth mentioning that the 3km sandbar connecting Narayama in the north and Takasaki in the south used to be called "Awaji Hashidate", but because no one went there, it didn't make the rounds.
The last time it came out was in February last year, when a Chinese girl bought an uninhabited island in Japan, and on the list of uninhabited islands that can be purchased in Japan, this Narushima island is also on the list.
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Pearl of Hyogo - Awaji Island

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Awaji Island is the largest island in the Seto Inland Sea, located halfway between the main island of Japan and Shikoku. The Naruto Strait and Naruto Vortex, which we talked about, are located here where it links to Shikoku. Because it's on the Seto Inland Sea, it's also home to a superb collection of art, and Tadao Ando's Awaji Dream Stage is a must-see attraction on the island. For those in the secondary world, you must visit the island's anime theme park, Nijigen no Mori, which is a very niche place known only to those in the circle.
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Awaji Island is also particularly rich in seafood, especially sea bream, octopus, moray eel, and other seafood inhabiting areas with fast tidal currents have firm and very tasty meat, and are the top brand seafood in Japan. Another thing is the seascape of the place where you can take the picture of your life.
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Shikoku Island Hopping - Naoshima, Kodojima, Toshima

We have also talked about this place, so you can go to this link inside the.

Goshikidai, the best view in Seto

Goshodai is located within the precincts of Takamatsu City and Sakaide City in Kagawa Prefecture, and it is the only place overlooking Takamatsu City. There is not only the "Goshodai Skyline", but also a driving course where you can enjoy the endless Seto Inland Sea, and we recommend visiting the Kawashima Mighty Art Museum on the mountainside, which has an amazing view.
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Washuzan (Washuzan), the best view of Seto 2

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Washuzan is a representative attraction of the Seto Inland Sea National Park, and has become a representative attraction of Okayama Prefecture because it looks like a buzzard spreading its wings. From the top of the 133-meter-high mountain, Josu-peak, you can enjoy the beauty of an archipelago of more than 50 islands of various sizes floating in the sea, especially at sunset, which has been selected as one of the "100 Best Sunsets in Japan".

Romantic Small Town - Onomichi

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I have always found the name Onomichi romantic.
Onomichi is located in Hiroshima Prefecture, and the Onomichi waterway along the Seto Inland Sea has been used as a distribution center for marine transportation since ancient times; after the opening of the Sanyo Railway in the Meiji era, it became a transshipment center for railroads and marine transportation, and thus became the largest city in eastern Hiroshima Prefecture.
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Many of the streets in the town are built on the slopes of the mountains, which is why the town is called "Sakanomachi". The cityscape and island views are varied, with the hilltop observatory of Sengkoji Temple, the beautiful and casual art on Cat Hoso-dori, and the Shimanami Kaido, a favorite of cyclists, all adding to the romance of the town.

Three Views of Japan - Itsukushima Shrine

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Itsukushima, now called Miyajima, is praised as a holy island, best known for the Itsukushima Shrine and its vermillion-colored torii standing in the sea at full tide, and was previously ranked as the No. 1 most wanted destination in Japan by overseas tourists almost every year! The island is within easy walking distance of the main attractions. As in Nara, deer roam freely around the island, so always be careful of your rations being snatched by them.
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The island becomes soft and romantic in the evening, when the crowds disperse and only the overnight visitors are left to stroll along the quiet streets, a stark contrast to the bustle of the day.
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Well, that's about it. The Seto Inland Sea is really too big.

  • Cusdis