๐ŸฆŒNara is more than just deer! 7 must-see attractions + map + transportation + food recommendations!
00ย min
Jun 30, 2024
Jul 3, 2024
Nara Prefecture is located in the center of the Kii Peninsula in the Kinki region of Japan. It is an inland prefecture that is not located by the sea, with the Nara Basin and the Yamato Plateau in the north, and in the south, it is dominated by the steep terrain of the Kii Mountains such as the Daidaikaihara Mountains and the Hakkegatake Mountains; Nara Prefecture was known as the "Yamato Country" in the past Ryozo period, and it had a glorious period of time as the capital city of the origin of the Japanese statehood as well as the center of history and culture for more than a thousand years. Nara Let's get to know the characteristics and charms of Nara!
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Nara used to be the capital of Japan a thousand years ago, and this period is also known as the "Nara Period". The so-called Nara Period in Japanese history began with the relocation of Heijo-kyo from Fujiwara-kyo (present-day Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture) to Heijo-kyo in the western suburb of Nara City by the 43rd Emperor of Japan in 710 A.D. The Nara Period, which had Heijo-kyo as the capital city of Japan and the center of Japanese politics and culture, came to an end with the relocation of Nagaokakyo as the capital city in 784 A.D., and then the relocation of Heijo-kyo to Kyoto as the capital city of the country in 794 A.D. to start the Heian Period. The Nara Era, in which Heijo-kyo was the capital and political and cultural center of Japan, came to an end.
In addition, the Nara Period was a time when Buddhist culture blossomed in Japan, and many temples and shrines were built to protect the country with the power of Buddhism, such as Todaiji Temple, Yakushiji Temple, and Kasuga Taisha Shrine, all of which are important religious buildings preserved at that time, and have since been inscribed on the list of World Heritage Sites as the "Cultural Properties of the Ancient Capital of Nara".
The World Heritage Site of Nara is not a single facility, but is a cultural property registration consisting of eight assets as a whole. The assets that were inscribed on the World Heritage List of "Cultural Properties of the Ancient Capital of Nara" in 1998 include Todaiji Temple, Kofuku-ji Temple, Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Kasuga-zan Primordial Forest, Genko-ji Temple, Yakushi-ji Temple, Toshodai-ji Temple, and Hirakujo Miyamae , which are a total of 8 national treasures, special historical sites, and special natural monuments.

๐Ÿค— Where do the deer of Nara come from? Kasuga Myths and Nara's Human-Deer Symbiosis

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Nara is famous for its deer, but what is so special about them? Nara Park covers a vast area, and part of the park is actually within the precincts of the Kasuga Taisha Shrine. Legend has it that the main deity of the Kasuga Taisha Shrine, "Takeshi Urusame" (also known as "Kengo Thunder God"), traveled to Nara on a deer, and the deer that inhabit the area are considered to be the emissaries of this deity, and have been greatly loved and protected from the ancient times.
In addition, in autumn, a traditional event known as "Kagura no Kiri" (deer antler cutting) is held in the area. This event first began in the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), and in order to prevent the antlers of rutting stags from harming residents or other deer, as well as to protect the trees, the festival is held in the fall every year to pray for safety, and antlers of the stag are cut and enshrined in front of the gods, which is an important traditional ritual in the history of coexistence of the deer and human beings in Nara. This is an important traditional event in the history of the symbiosis between Nara deer and people.
Deer in Nara can be categorized into "Park Deer" that live in the flat areas of Nara Park and "Wakakusayama Deer" that live on the slopes of the mountains, and the total number of deer exceeds 1,000, and all of them are wild animals with no owners or keepers. The deer usually forage for food on their own, and visitors can buy "deer senbei" (้นฟใ›ใ‚“ในใ„) specially prepared by the Nara Deer Awareness Association to feed the deer, but it is important not to feed them any other human food, as this may harm the health of the deer and the local ecosystem!

๐Ÿค— Nara-machi, a nostalgic town with traditional townhouse architecture

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Genkeiji Temple itself is a temple with a long history, and in the Nara Town area, there are national treasures and important cultural properties such as the main hall of Jorin-in Temple, the main hall of Fukuchi-in Temple, the main hall of Shin Yakushiji Temple, the Imaishi Family Academy, and the house of the Fujioka family, etc. In the area there are also townhouses and towns of the end of the Edo Period to the Meiji Period, and in the Showa Period (1950's and 1960's), due to the promotion of the activities of the local area for preservation and revitalization of the historic towns, a lot of cafes and restaurants have been rebuilt and reconstructed from the old residential houses. In the 1950s and 1960s, as a result of local activities to preserve and revitalize historical towns, many cafes and grocery stores were created by revitalizing old houses, and the area has become a popular tourist spot. After visiting the World Heritage Site, don't forget to take a stroll in Nara-machi to experience the old days of the town!
In addition to ancient ruins and world heritage sites dating back thousands of years, Nara is also home to Nara-cho, a neighborhood of traditional town houses built hundreds of years ago. Nara-cho is not a specific place name, but a general term for the historical town area centered on the old Genkลji Temple, and includes the surrounding areas of Takahata, Kintetsu Nara Station, and Sarusawa Pond.

๐Ÿค— Feeding the deer is super therapeutic! Nara Park", a must-see tourist attraction in Nara

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Nara Park, which covers an area of 511 hectares, is surrounded by precious cultural assets such as Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Taisha Shrine, and Kofuku-ji Temple, and is also famous for the thousands of wild deer that live in the park, making it a popular tourist spot. Nara Park is a hotspot for cherry blossom viewing in spring, surrounded by greenery in summer and brilliantly red maples in fall, so just taking a walk in the park and feeding the deer is enough to fill up a whole day's itinerary.
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Deer waiting to eat deer senbei in Nara Park.
The deer in Nara Park have long been regarded as the gods of Kasuga Taisha, and have been designated as Japan's National Natural Monuments and are well protected and valued. You can see cute deer all over the park, and sometimes they even beg for food from visitors, which is very therapeutic. You can purchase "deer senbei" at the park and experience feeding them, but be sure to follow the rules!
๐Ÿ“ธ Nara Park
๐Ÿ“ Address: Zasshi-machi, Kasugino-machi, Noboribetsu-machi, Takahata-machi area, Nara City, Nara Prefecture
๐ŸšŠ Transportation:
Approx. 5-8 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Nara Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Approx. 20 minutes on foot from Nara Station on JR lines.

๐Ÿค— The famous Nara Daibutsu is here! "Toudaiji" Great Buddha Hall

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Todaiji Temple, the main temple of the Hwa Yen Sect of Japanese Buddhism, was founded in the first half of the 8th century A.D. by Emperor Shomu, who was a devout believer in Buddhism, and is most famous for its gigantic statue of the national treasure, the "Nara Daibutsu" (Great Buddha). Officially known as "Rushena Buddha," the statue and its base are 18 meters tall, making it a majestic and imposing sight, and the Great Buddha Hall, where the statue is enshrined, is one of the world's largest surviving wooden buildings. When traveling to Nara, be sure to visit Todaiji Temple to see the famous Nara Daibutsu!
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๐Ÿ“ธ Todaiji Temple
๐Ÿ“ Address: 406-1 Zasshi-machi, Nara-shi, Nara-ken
๐ŸšŠ Transportation:
Approx. 20 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Nara Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Take the Gurutto Bus (ใใ‚‹ใฃใจใƒใ‚น) and get off at the "Daibutsu-den-mae Parking Lot" stop.
Take the city loop bus and get off at the stop of "Todaiji Daibutsu-den Kasuga Taisha-mae" and walk for about 5 minutes.
Official website: https://www.todaiji.or.jp/

๐Ÿค— Kasuga Taisha, a beautiful vermillion shrine in a thousand-year-old forest

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Kasuga Taisha Shrine, built in 768 A.D., is situated at the foot of the sacred mountain, Mount Gogaisan (Kasuga), and is surrounded by the ancient Kasuga Mountain forest, where gods such as Takeshi Hajime are enshrined in a magnificent vermillion shrine. The deer that inhabit the area around the shrine and Nara Park are said to be the messengers of the deities of Kasuga Grand Shrine. In the Nara Period, Takeshi came to Mt. Mogai from Kashima Jingu Shrine in Hitachinokuni Prefecture (present-day Ibaraki Prefecture) on the back of a white deer, and since then the deer that inhabit the area have been honored as the "Kasuga Shrine Deer".
Kasuga Taisha Shrine organizes more than 2,200 Saiyuki festivals every year to pray for the peace and prosperity of the country, and the Kasuga Matsuri festival, which has been held on March 13 every year, has been going on for more than 1,200 years. In addition, the shrine is also famous for the "Ten Thousand Lanterns," which include fishing lanterns, stone lanterns, and other shapes donated by people with deep faith, and there have been about 3,000 of them since the Heian Period. If you are lucky enough to come across a festival or a prayer ceremony related to the Manzanagi Lantern Festival, don't miss the fantastic sight of the 3,000 lanterns being lit up at the same time!
๐Ÿ“ธ Kasuga Taisha
๐Ÿ“ Address: 160 Kasugino-machi, Nara-shi, Nara-ken
๐ŸšŠ Transportation:
Approx. 25-30 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Nara Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Take Nara Kotsu bus and get off at Kasuga Taisha Honten stop.
10 minutes walk from Kasuga Taisha Omotesando bus stop by city loop bus.

๐Ÿค— Kofuku-ji Temple, a national treasure and a repository of precious Buddhist relics

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"Kofuku-ji Temple is the main temple of the Hosho Sect of Buddhism in Japan. Its predecessor, Yamadai-ji Temple, was first established in 669 A.D., but was moved to its present location and renamed Kofuku-ji Temple at the same time when the capital was moved to Hirakujo-kyo in 710 A.D. In addition to the main temple, Chukin-do, there are other buildings designated as Japanese national treasures, such as the Five-storied Pagoda, the Three-storied Pagoda, Higashi-Kin-do, and Kita-en-do, as well as wooden statues of Kannon, the thousand-armed bodhisattva, and the statue of the Asura, among other national treasures. The National Treasure Museum, which is said to be the site of the refectory where the monks of Kofuku-ji Temple used to have their meals, has a large number of valuable books, artifacts, and historical artifacts, so it would be worthwhile for you to enter and take a look around the museum!
๐Ÿ“ธ Kofuku-ji Temple
๐Ÿ“ Address: 48 Noboribetsuji-machi, Nara-shi, Nara-ken
๐ŸšŠ Transportation:
Approx. 5 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Nara Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Approx. 15 minutes on foot from Nara Station on JR lines.
By bus: Get off at the bus stop "Kencho-mae".
Official website: https://www.kohfukuji.com/

๐Ÿค— Enjoy the nostalgic slow time of Nara's old houses and towns! Stroll through Nara Town

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Traveling in Nara is not only about visiting major world heritage sites and shrines and temples, but also about taking a stroll through nostalgic streets full of history! "Nara-machi" (ใชใ‚‰ใพใก) does not refer to a single place of interest, but is a general term for the historical towns and villages that have developed since the Middle Ages and have been established in modern times, and are located mainly in the southern part of Nara City, including the areas around Genkeiji Temple and Takahata, and around Nara Station and Sarusawa Pond on the Kintetsu Line.
In addition to historical shrines and temples, cultural monuments, and town buildings, there are also many facilities, grocery stores, restaurants, and cafes that have been revitalized from old houses in various parts of Nara-machi, and it is worthwhile to visit facilities such as the Nara-machi Plaid House and the Nara-machi Nigiwai House. It is worthwhile to visit these facilities!
๐Ÿ“ธ Nara Town
๐Ÿ“ Address: Near Motokyuji-cho, Nara-shi, Nara-ken
๐ŸšŠ Transportation:
Approx. 13 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Nara Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Approx. 8-minute walk from Keio Station on the JR Sakurai Line.
๐Ÿ“ธ NARAMACHINIGIWAINOIE Nigiwai no Iya in Nara-cho
๐Ÿ“ Address: 5 Nakashinya-cho, Nara-shi, Nara-ken
๐ŸšŠ Transportation:
Approx. 13-minute walk from Kintetsu Nara Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Approx. 20 minutes on foot from JR Nara Station.

๐Ÿค— Palace ruins of Heijo-kyo, the capital of Japan during the Nara Period - "Heijo-gu Ruins

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"The Heijo-kyo Ruins are the remains of the Heijo-kyo Palace, the central palace of Heijo-kyo, the capital of Japan during the Nara Period, which was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1998 as part of the assets constituting the "Cultural Properties of the Ancient Capital of Nara". At the Heijo-kyo site, you can see restored palace buildings such as the First Dajiden and the Vermilion Bird Gate, as well as the Vermilion Bird Road, which divided the capital into the left and right capitals in ancient times.
From 2018, a new tourism exchange base "Jukamon Square" (ๆœฑ้›€้–€ใฒใ‚ใฐ) combining history, culture, food and beverage, souvenir stores, and other five complex facilities opened in this area, and the area around the historical site has also been designated as the "Hirajo-Kyoji Historical Park", where you can freely walk around the park and feel the natural scenery of the four seasons, and the profound trajectory of the long history left behind, and leave a different page of the Nara travel experience! You can experience the natural beauty of the four seasons and the history of Nara, and make a different landscape for your own Nara travel experience!
๐Ÿ“ธ Heijo Miyamaki Historical Park
๐Ÿ“ Address: 3-5-1 Nijo Oji Minami, Nara-shi, Nara (Heijo Miyamaki Management Center)
๐ŸšŠ Access: Approx. 20-minute walk from the south exit of Yamato-Nishidaiji Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line.
Official website: https://www.heijo-park.jp/

๐Ÿค— The world's oldest surviving wooden building! Horyuji Temple, founded by Prince Seitoku.

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Horyuji Temple, also known as Banshoji Temple, is said to have been built in 607 A.D. by Prince Seitoku, a political reformer of the Hatori period, and is now the head temple of the Seitoku sect of Japanese Buddhism. Although some of the buildings were destroyed in a fire, they were rebuilt around the beginning of the 8th century A.D. to form the present Horyuji temple complex, which has been handed down to the present day and is the world's oldest surviving wooden building complex, and was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993. For more information about Horyuji, such as worship information, transportation, must-see highlights, and the Seven Wonders, please refer to the extended reading!
๐Ÿ“ธ Horyuji Temple
๐Ÿ“ Address: 1-1, Horyuji Yamauchi, Hatake-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara
Access๏ผšApprox. a 20-minute walk from Horyuji Station on the JR Yamato Line.
Official website: http://www.horyuji.or.jp/

๐Ÿค— Hot springs and skiing in one go! Nara "Tonogawa Onsen" and Tonogawa Ski Resort

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In Nara Prefecture, there are hot spring areas such as Tonogawa Onsen, Tokatsugawa Onsen, Shinguiyama Onsen, and Hourai Onsen, where visitors can stay at local hot spring inns or B&Bs, as well as daytime hot spring facilities where visitors can enjoy hot spring baths without staying at the inns.
Among them, "Tonogawa Onsen-kyo" located in the Yoshinogi area in the southern part of Nara at an elevation of about 820 meters is called "Karuizawa of Kansai" due to its cool climate, and the hot spring town is filled with the nostalgic atmosphere of the Showa era, so you can take a stroll in the hot spring town and eat the local specialty food.
In the vicinity of Tonogawa Onsen, there is also the Tonogawa Ski Park (ใ‚นใƒŽใƒผใƒ‘ใƒผใ‚ฏ Tonogawa), a ski resort with gentle slopes and high-quality powder snow, where beginners can easily experience skiing, while children can sled and build snowmen at the play area near the foot of the mountain, which is very popular with parents and children. If you want to enjoy both hot tubing and skiing in one go, visit the Tonogawa area in Nara's Tenkawa Village!
In addition, Kyoto, which is not far from Nara, also has many hot spring lodging facilities, and is a popular option for hot spring travel in Kansai. When planning your trip, we also recommend that you take a look at the hot spring lodgings in Kyoto, so that you can arrange the smoothest possible itinerary for your trip!
๐Ÿ“ธ Tonogawa Hot Spring
๐Ÿ“ Address: Tonogawa, Amagawa-mura, Yoshino-gun, Nara
๐ŸšŠ Access: Take a Nara Kotsu bus bound for Tonogawa Onsen from Shimo-Ichiguchi Station on the Kintetsu Yoshino Line for about 70 minutes and get off at the final stop, Tonogawa Onsen.
Official website: http://www.dorogawaonsen.jp/ (Obonzan Tonogawa Onsen Tourism Association)
๐Ÿ“ธ Tonogawa Ski Paradise (ใ‚นใƒŽใƒผใƒ‘ใƒผใ‚ฏๆดžๅท)
๐Ÿ“ Address: 678-220 Tonogawa, Amagawa-mura, Yoshinogun, Nara Prefecture
๐ŸšŠ How to get there: Take a Nara Kotsu bus from Shimo-Ichiguchi Station on the Kintetsu Yoshino Line for about 70 minutes to Tonogawa Onsen, then take a cab for about 10 minutes.

๐Ÿค— Nara's must-eat and must-buy gourmet souvenir recommendations 3 choices

When you visit Nara, you can't miss the opportunity to taste the local cuisine and buy local products. Finally, we would like to introduce Nara's local cuisine and recommended souvenirs.

1๏ธโƒฃ Nara Traditional Local Cuisine - "Kakinoha Sushi

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Kakinoha sushi, a sushi made by wrapping fish and rice in persimmon leaves, is a well-known local dish in Nara and Wakayama Prefectures, and it is said that the antiseptic properties of the persimmon leaves keep the sushi fresh and preserve it for a longer period of time. You can buy and eat this unique sushi with a strong local flavor at snack bars along the Kintetsu Nara Line and the JR Wakayama Line. If you see one on the road while traveling, buy a box and try it!

2๏ธโƒฃ The Q version of Nara's Big Buddha is so cute! Must buy "Mahoroba Buddha Pudding" in Nara!

Mahoroba Daibutsu Pudding (ใพใปใ‚ใฐๅคงไปใƒ—ใƒชใƒณ), which has a cute Q version of Nara's Daibutsu printed on the cap, is a must-have dessert that many people buy and eat when traveling to Nara. The pudding is made with high-quality raw materials such as ingredients from Nara Prefecture and high-quality whipped cream, and the packaging materials are simple, eco-friendly, and environmentally friendly. The pudding comes in a wide variety of flavors, including the basics such as kasta, yamato tea, raw cheese, and chocolate, and there are also different patterns and special flavors such as Shirakabu pudding and Sakura pudding with the Yaezakura cherry blossom in Nara.
If you want to try this "Daibutsu Pudding", you can buy it at Nara Station on Kintetsu Line, JR Nara Station, and the market in front of Yumikaze Plaza in front of Todaiji Temple, but if you have time, you can also go to our "Pudding Mori Cafรฉ" (ใƒ—ใƒชใƒณใฎ Mori ใ‚ซใƒ•ใ‚ง), where you can take photos inside and outside of the uniquely shaped fairytale-inspired building and sit down to enjoy a tasty pudding!
๐Ÿฎ Mahoroba Daibutsu Pudding Honten (ใพใปใ‚ใฐๅคงไปใƒ—ใƒชใƒณๆœฌๅบ—)
๐Ÿ“ Address: 1073 Nara Hansaka-cho, Nara-shi, Nara-ken
Access๏ผšTake Nara Kotsu Bus System 115 from Nara Station on JR lines or Kintetsu Nara Station on Kintetsu Nara Line and get off at Takanohara Golf Center stop (Takanohara Golf Center) in about 8-15 minutes.
Official website: https://daibutsu-purin.com/

3๏ธโƒฃ Mochi sweets that even Toyotomi Hideyoshi praised - Honka Kikuya's "Ojo-no-Kuchi Cakes

Nara's famous wagashi store, Honka Kikuya, has been in business for more than 400 years, and its history is said to have a long history. In 1585, Jibei Kikuya, the founder of Honka Kikuya, was ordered to prepare some rare confectionaries for a tea party in honor of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the famous warlord of the Warring States period, at which he offered a bite-sized mochi, which is now the store's signature product, "Oshiro no Kuchimochi".
This wagashi was praised by Hideyoshi and given the name "Inoki", while the later name "Ojo-no-Kuchimochi" was given to it because Kikuya's store was located near the entrance to the castle gate of Koriyama Castle. Nowadays, you can buy Kikuya's products at the main store in Koriyama City, where Koriyama Castle is located, as well as at Kintetsu Nara Station and other places!
๐Ÿฅง Honka Kikuya Main Store
๐Ÿ“ Address: 1-11 Yanagi, Yamato-gun, Yamato-ken, Nara
Access๏ผšApprox. a 5-minute walk from Kintetsu Kashihara Line Kintetsu Koriyama Station.
Official website๏ผšhttps://kikuya.co.jp/

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