🈳Beyond the red dust, between the mountains and the water, feel the Zen aesthetics in summer
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May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
Kansai, with its ancient charm, has a hidden side that is not well known to tourists. The mountains of Japan's faith are located there, and they are also the residence of the legendary gods.
You'll be able to enjoy the landscape and the grassy plains, and find summer scenery. From the meditation of Mount Takano to the pilgrimage of the Kumano Kodo, from the fireworks of a seaside town to the heritage of a thousand-year-old capital ......
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📝 Takanoyama

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Zen Lodging House, Tracing Back to Japanese Faith
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Why? It is the place where Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and a host of other great Japanese names aspire to be, the place where Matsuo Basho, the master of Japanese haiku, pursues elegance and grace, and the source of the myth of Chen Kaige's "Legend of the Demon Cat". Simply because it is the centerpiece of Japanese faith.
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More than 1,200 years ago, Buddhist master Kukai (Kōkai) returned from the Tang Dynasty and founded the Shingon Sect of Japanese Buddhism in Mt. Takano, ushering in the era of "mountain Buddhism. Thousands of years later, this place is still the last pure land of faith in Japan, outside of the red world.
  • On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the listing of Mt. Takano as a World Heritage Site, officials will offer travelers more special experiences in addition to festivals such as the Aobayashi Festival (the 2nd Sunday in June) and the Ten Thousand Lanterns Festival (August 13th).
"The master of the Dharma, Kōkai, still sits in meditation at Mount Takano. It is said that the master will stand in front of whoever is in distress."
Of the hundreds of temples in Mt. Takano, Okunoin, Tanjo Garan, and Vajrapani Temple are the three holy places most associated with Master Kōkai, where people can meditate on the Buddha, search for Zen, and admire the master.
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The House of Ao, as the temple where Master Hiroshi was initiated, has received the worship of countless devotees. This most sacred spiritual area is filled with a solemn and subtle atmosphere.
Embraced by the mountains, there is a centuries-old cedar forest, a santo path illuminated by green stone lanterns, the distant sound of bells, monks walking to and fro, tens of thousands of tombstones ......
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Danganji-garan, the site of the original dojo established by Master Hiromitsu, is home to the iconic "Nemoto Daito" (Great Pagoda).
Vajrapani Temple is the head temple of the Shingon Sect and is the first of more than 3,600 temples throughout Japan. The temple grounds are decorated with elegant wood carvings, wonderful Zoroastrian paintings, and Japan's largest kuzan-zukuri garden, Pankyu-tei.
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Zen is also a leisurely and peaceful way of life. Takanoyama incorporates Zen aesthetics into Japanese-style accommodations, so that even the general public can find peace and quiet in a natural and rustic atmosphere through a "Zen journey".
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You can savor the refined cuisine and feel the balance of mind and body brought about by carefully selected seasonal ingredients and flavors inherited from ancient times. You can also sit and meditate with the monks along with the morning bells and evening drums. Copy the Prajna Heart Sutra and focus on the practice of wielding the brush.
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📝 Kumano Ancient Trail

The secret forest and sea, retracing the path of pilgrimage
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The saying, "If you want to really understand Japan, you must visit the Kumano Kodo," is widely spread.
There are only two World Heritage pilgrimage routes, one in Spain, and the other is the Kumano Kodo. Here, the cultural landscape, where Shinto and Buddhism merge, retains the spiritual flavor of the sacred mountains.
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The Kumano area has been regarded as a "place where the gods live" since ancient times. For more than 1,000 years, Japanese royalty, nobles and people have made spontaneous pilgrimages to Miyama Shrine, the origin of their beliefs, and the paths are collectively known as the Kumano Kodo (Old Kumano Road).
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With a total length of more than 1,000 kilometers, there are hiking routes ranging from a few kilometers to hundreds of kilometers that are suitable for both pilgrims and travelers.
The trail passes through deep forests and mountains, passing through quiet stone paths, moss-covered statues of gods, solemn shrines, hot spring baths, and Nachi Falls, one of Japan's three most famous waterfalls, and the coastline is also visible.
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Walking along the path, you feel like you have returned to Japan in the Heian Period, listening to the vicissitudes of the past. The era of the gods is fading away, but the primeval forest, baptized by centuries of wind and rain, still stands by the ancient road, waiting for everyone who walks by.
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There are also a wealth of festivals in the Kumano Miyama area at different times of the year: the Kumano Nachi Fire Festival (July 14), the Motomiya-cho Hachibana Fire Festival (August), and others.

📝 Shirahama

Meet the fireworks of the sea while soaking in a hot spring
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When it comes to summer, you have to go to the beach! Otaru, Kamakura, Okinawa and other destinations are always crowded with people, but out of sight, there is a seaside town with white sand, blue sea and blue sky, which is uniquely soothing and tranquil.
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This is a famous hot spring mecca in Japan, with rare seaside hot springs, and the top rated Japanese inn "Hamachidori no Yu Kai Boat" is located here.
Soak in the hot spring, facing the blue Pacific Ocean, and listen to the waves crashing against the rocks, and the smell of the sea comes over you~.
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When the sea opens in May every year, you can savor a feast of seafood such as abalone and lobster, and experience catching the sea, searching for sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and other sea creatures on the shore.
When August rolls around, the grand summer festival kicks off. People dressed in beautiful yukata, with fans swinging in their hands, play with friends and watch the greatest fireworks display in the Wakayama area ......

📝 Kyoto, Nara, Uji, Lake Biwa

Classic Kansai, Summer Scenic Spotting
Countless classic moments make up Kansai's unique "Summer Poetry". Reddish-colored torii, old streets where geisha stroll, verdant gardens, deer and green tea, wind chimes and hydrangeas. ...…
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In Kyoto, Japan's former capital "Heian-kyo", you can take a classic photo with Fushimi Inari Shrine and experience the splendor of Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Kinkakuji Temple. Or escape the hustle and bustle and visit the secret places such as Sanzen-in Temple, Sanjusangendo, and Ryōan-ji Temple.
From the perspectives of history, Buddhism, architecture, photography and aesthetics, they all tell the story of Japan's deep culture.
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In Nara, you can pray at Kasuga Taisha Shrine, feed the deer in Nara Park, and watch them play at their leisure.
As the site of Japan's first capital, Heijo-kyo, Nara has preserved such monuments as the Tang Shodaiji Temple and Todaiji Temple, which tell the story of the Tang Dynasty.
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On Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, there is a rare water torii. Over the long years, it has watched the sun rise and set, guarded the "boundary separating the world of the gods from the world of men," and carried the wishes and prayers of the people.
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In Uji, you can get away from the crowds of Kyoto and enjoy a "Tea Journey" to experience the culture of the Japanese Tea Ceremony in peace and quiet.
Uji is the setting for The Tale of Genji and was the summer home of the Japanese Imperial family during the Heian period, and still retains a number of old buildings.
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Stealing time from life, traveling east to meditate and practice Zen.
Buddha and Shinto are in common, visit the clear sound of the mountains and water
Seek out the quiet of the city and the ancient of the mountains.
Explore the natural and cultural beauty of Kansai, Japan

  • Cusdis